Well now, doesn't time fly! My 60th Birthday arrived on 7th January, marking another milestone (or millstone, depending how you look at it) in my life. So now I have a choice: I can become a grumpy old woman or a sweet little ray of sunshine. The latter sounds nice, and perhaps something I should aspire to, but being a Grumpy sounds FUN. You don't think? Think of it: I am now
allowed to call all pop music "that dreadful row", I can get my eyes tested
for free, Ditto for prescriptions - I can be a drug crazed maniac for absolutely nothing. I qualify for Sheltered Housing. If I could only get on a bus I could go all over the place. It is apparently possible, in theory, to travel the length and breadth of the country for not one penny piece. Should I happen to get taken to hospital, I am likely to be put in the geriatric ward until they find out what's wrong with me. I can start to quote Maxine. Great!
And yet somewhere along the line I've been a bit disappointed. Being so little I used to always be mistaken for a half-fare on the bus or train. When did that stop happening? When did I stop being "girl" and start being "lady"? When did policemen stop being grey haired old codgers and start being rosy-cheeked youths with bum-fluff on their chins? Even the senior ones! I suppose youth must be that brief time between little plastic pants and big ones!
Thanks to everyone who sent birthday wishes; I had a lovely weekend of celebrations but I'll have to show you some photos next time as, not only has my computer lost touch with the printer, it's not on speaking terms with the camera either!
Mimuther gave me an amaryllis last September and it has
just decided to give me a flower. It has spent the past 2 - 3 weeks growing longer......and longer......and longer and is now almost blooming on the bedroom windowsill. It's going to be a lovely deep red..
All my sugarcraft equipment is gone. I was sad to see the end of it but there was no point in keeping it when my silly right arm won't let me do the fiddly bits any more and my rotten balance won't let me stand up, as you need to. So now I need a new hobby that I can do with my left hand; something which doesn't require hundreds of pounds-worth of equipment. I thought about creative writing. I can do beginnings and endings but it's the bit in the middle that has me stumped.
Speaking of writing - There's a danger that I shall be banned from reading in bed. This always happens after Christmas when people give me books. The real danger item at the moment is called "The Wrinklies' Bedside Companion" by Mike Haskins and Clive Whichelow. Having just become a Wrinklie myself I regard it as educational. It is really a work-out manual for all the muscles you use to laugh with! A word of advice: keep a paper bag handy in case you meet yourself coming back in the laughing stakes and start hyperventilating!!!
Another chuckle-worthy tome, given me by a bloggy-pal, is "The Stanley Holloway Monologues". I love Stanley Holloway (well, if he was alive I would). If you're not a middle aged (or more) Brit you probably won't know them but I remember them specially on Children's Favourites on the radio in the 1950's. You have to read them with a north-west of England accent. But - hey - I can do all that and believe me I have the most toned-up laughing gear in the world.....who needs jogging?
Talk to you soon - sooner - soonest!!!