See this? This is next door's dog, Poor Little Whiskey. Well, they just call him Whiskey. He's a cross between a Yorkshire terrier and a shi'tzu (gosh, I do hope I spelt that right!). Just a puppy - about 15 or 16 weeks old I should think. A yappy little bundle with a heck of a woof. Loves to play - don't they all at that age?
She is many times bigger than him, She would flatten him if she accidentally sat on him.. And she won't go out for a wee if he's out.
His pack leader, as she has styled herself, passed him to me over the fence the other day so I could have a cuddle of him (he's that sort of dog) and our Sal went slinking off into the bedroom and wouldn't come back until he had gone. When she did come back she was very obviously miffed with me. If you have ever lived with a dog you'll know what I mean when I say she gave me some right old-fashioned looks, as if I'd stood in something interesting that she would love a sniff at but won't come near.
Oh no! First the camera, now a ickle-wickle puppy! It'll be spiders next.
Keith has announced his next project. It's Keefy's Patent Drinking fountain for hedgehogs. All will be revealed no doubt!
Chicken Parmentier - Rick Stein
1 week ago
Oh what a lovely little dog lol at your dog, Hmm cant wait to hear what Keith is up to now lol Jan xx
That is the cutest little dog. Yours is really jealous I think. I hope they make friends. Your Keith cannot sit still ...I too will be waiting to see what's done next.
Cute puppy! Cathy
Awww poor Sal,I think you would run off and sulk too if Keith cuddled someone else Heeeeeee.Isn't it a cute little thing.Boo-Hoo I could just take to one of those, it's just big enough for me,but alas I'm not allowed animals at this place.Hope the fountain goes well,Iv'e heard of everything now "A Hedgehog Fountain" ROFL!!Take Care God Bless Kath xx
Jess is the same. When the pups from the big house come down to ours she is friendly to them, but you can tell she is hoping that they will leave real soon, and she is ever so happy when they do!! That is a cute puppy though, kind of hard to resist cuddling when they are that cute. Wish us luck on our grand adventure today. Won't be near a comp for at least a week, but I have my cell. Look for a message from me at some point. I wonder how far you will be from us??? Perhaps we will be able to visit more often?? One can only hope!! xxoo
What a cute puppy; wish I could talk my husband into getting one.
Awwww, BLESS! What an adorable l'il dog! x No wonder your Sal is nervy though - Whiskey looks like a dominant little tyke, but what a great combination of two cute little breeds!
Keith's project sounds good - he should go to the Dragon's Den with that one - I'd be in. I have not yet told Jasper that the K-man is planning to assist hedgehogs - it might be too much for his peace of mind at present (see forthcoming blog post!)...
We haven't forgotton the red onion soup recipe - should be with you tomorrow, paws crossed...!
And here is Jasper's Old Jokes Corner:
Q: What's a Shi-tzu?
A: One with no penguins.
Happy Friday!
Ruth xxxxxxxxx
Hi Angie...and I have a Shih Tzu...LOL..his name is Max...and I would love that little Whiskey far away...!!! a beautiful sunny day here...hopefully more tomorrow..took a spin around the yard or garden as you all call it..and there are signs of spring..but much to early...March fools alot of flowers and people too LOL...take care...hugs from Ora in KY
Is that not THE cutest little dog....sigh. I just want to pick it up and hug and love on it.
I am sorry that Sally is miffed with you. I hope that she has forgiven you by now. Heidi gets miffed at me if I go to the fence and pet the neighbor's dogs....but she forgives me pretty quickly if I give her a treat.
Have you heard any more from Marie? I am glad that they found a home. I hope she can find a job soon.
I'm sending hugs, Lura
Little Whiskey is certainly adorable!!! Look at her (him?) perched on that little cushion like a princess!!!
HEY ANGIE...CAN YOU HEAR ME FROM WAY OVER HERE??? LOL...hope all is going ok for you and yours..we are fine..having some beautiful weather right now...but know it will not last...but if it should I won't complain!!!! LOL...otherwise same o ... same o....ever day!!! love and hugs to ya...Ora in KY
Angie, Your comment just cracked me up! Having lived in the south my whole life, I take for granted that everyone knows what a deer cooler business is. Hunting deer is a big hobby here and when hunters kill them, they take them to cooler business who cut up the meat, wrap it and cool it for the hunters. It is a hard business and this little woman is hardly 5 feet tall. A little power your lovely dog!!!
You are in the "credits" (your prize at the moment, until I can come up with a better one) of my post "Number one Cherry Blossom Lane"
Hey Angie...can you hear me back there??? where are you...??? I miss you....hope all is well your and hugs from KY...Ora
I had a shit zu for years and he really was so yappy:) Little Whiskey is adorable.
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