!!!21st September - it's never that long since I posted something surely? Well, hands up, no excuses. Caught bang to rights this time!

We had a lovely weekend in Dundee 26-29 September. We were there for the Brittle Bones Conference which featured several interesting 'workshops' and an exremely interesting bar! We stayed at the Hilton Hotel, which wasn't as posh as I thought it would be. Never mind, at least somebody else did the washng up!
It was a 7 hour drive and as I am not able to drive the car at present Keith had to do it all. I was the navigator but snoozed most of the time while this guy called TomTom did all the work. I had thought we might stop somewhere really nice for lunch, take in some scenery, you know? Not a bit of it. We did stop twice: once for the loo and then for lunch. I realise you probably think we just starved but that's not quite true. Our second stop was in a lay-by on the A66 where we got a sausage sandwich and a cup of tea from a kill-you-quick greasy spoon caravan. Normally I wouldn't eat a thing from one of those places but I was so hungry I would have eaten a scabby dog!! Guess what? That sausage sandwich was probably the most delicious thing I have ever tasted. And the cup of tea - complete with resident teabag - scrumptilious! I feel much more tolerant of these roadside food vans since then. After all, I never heard of anyone who caught anything nasty or died from eating there. Did you?

For those of you who don't live in UK, let me tell you the A66 is an incredible road. If there is any appreciable snow in winter it is usually among the first to become impassable. It cuts through vast swathes of open moorland with very little shelter from the elements and it climbs quite high. Although it was a lovely sunny day, it was also very cold and extremely windy and I could see what a bleak place it must be in the depths of winter. For mile upon mile you see nothing but road and moors and the only way is forward. I wouldn't like to be stuck up there with no petrol or in a snowstorm >.

I came out of Tesco the other day to find a cookbook in my trolley. I swear it wsn't me who bought it, honest! Oh....er...is it Wednesday? I tell fibs on Wednesdays. It is supposed to have in it 1000 cake and bake recipes so I did 2 of them yesterday. It's a start. I would like to have Dorie Greenspan's 'My home to yours' but it's a bit expensive and this one was only a fiver, so there we are. I am, however, letting it be widely known among family and friends which one I really would like!!!
Anyway, these recipes I did: Chocolate Meringue shortbread and Fruit Flapjacks. The Shortbread ones lacked a certain je ne sais quoi. Well, I do know quoi, they were very bland. I think next time I'll try putting in an extra ounce of sugar and a little strong coffee where the recipe calls for vanilla essence. To be honest I couldn't really see why they wanted to use any vanilla with such an obviously strong chocolate taste. So thumbs down to that one - for the time being anyway. The Fruit Flapjacks were lovely but they are better today, having been in the tin overnight. The hardish edges have softened up. Flapjacks are a thing I rarely make so mine always seem to look messy - nay, home-made! When Keith had his own teeth he used to say flapjacks gunged his teeth up and he was chasing oats around all day. Nowadays "They get under me plate" but he eats them anyway.
So AOL is closing down its journals from end October eh? I feel I ought to be saying "Oh what a shame" but to tell the truth, I'm glad! I was with AOL but came over here before all this happened and I was afraid of losing touch with so many old friends. Now here they all are, setting up on Blogspot. I would love to commend loads of them to you but there are so many I wouldn't know where to start. One I will just mention is my dear friend Jasper who you can find at: http://jasper-thedogsblog.blogspot.com/. He doesn't get that many comments, though I think quite a few read him. He is so funny and well worth a visit, so if you have a minute............
Hi Stranger,good to read you enjoyed your break and your greesy sarny.Mmmm Haaaaaaa!!!Wots wrong wi caravans in lay-byes haaaaa!!!! I love um.LOL!!Especially like you whe ya starving.lol.Lovely pics love DAN there he was one of my favourites haa.The goods look great you baked and happy baking in future.Rather you chefs than me.You know my answer to all that cooking already don't you.EAT OUT LOL!!Still cannot get th ehandg of th efont thing or pics in these blogs.Much rather have th AOL way.
Have a good evening Hope Kieth is well.Take Care God Bless.xx
Hi Angie
Nice to see you back blogging.
Sounds like you had a nice little break away.
Cheers - Julie
Angie - so good to have you back! The cakes look quite lovely. Pictures are gorgeous - thanks for sharing. Will be married to my Keith in 2 days!! Much love, Raquel XO
Lovely catchup with you here this morning Angie! Sounds like you had a lovely trip to Dundee. I love the top picture with all the penguins walking along the stonework. How cute! Love your cookbook as well. How disappointing if the chocolate meringue bars were bland! They look yummy enough! I hope someone gets you that book and soon! You deserve it! XXOO
Hi Angie, great to here from you. Glad you had such a good visit to the city of my birth Bonnie Dundee. I buy mearly all my books from our local hospice shop what would I do without my books. Love Joan.
Me back after finding you again I cannot see your followers botton am I just being blind. Love Joan.
Just catching up on your old entries ~ Ally x
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