See this? It's my finger. Still attached to my hand and with a blue food-grade elastoplast on it. I couldn't find any ordinary ones but then, we NEVER have any when I want one!
is the little demon wot dun it! The biggest knife I have and lethally sharp, I used it for cutting up veg this morning. I washed it very carefully, rinsed it under running water and stood it in the drainer while I turned away to get the teatowel to dry it with, at the same time knocking down the lever which turns the tap off - and slicing my finger. BLEED? Think 'stuck pigs'!

I think me and Slimming World have come to the parting of the ways. Although I've been following their plan to the letter, I once again lost only half a pound this week - and that was only the half pound I gained last week which, in turn, took care of the half pound I lost the week before. Impasse! Well I can do that without paying £4.50 each week for the honour. I've been doing some reading and serious thinking and, together with what other people have said to me (including some of you - bless you for that) I've reached some conclusions.
The main one I'll just have to quote from my book of the moment: "If what you're doing isn't working, you need to try something else ".
So ...........
I am going to stop being so horrid to me; have a 'be nice to Angie' regime.
I'm going to accept me just as I am, at any given moment in time.
I'm going to try very hard to remember that other people don't see me as I do. I only see what's in the mirror; others see the whole package.
I'm going to try each day to find one nice thing to say about myself, and believe it.
I'm going to stop being ashamed of my 'fatness' and be proud I'm doing something about it.
I'm going to eat properly and healthily and only when I'm actually hungry.. I know HOW, I just got out of the habit.
It starts right now.
I just had a lovely surprise phone call, while I've been limping around my keyboard with my poorly finger (awww). It was a lady called Jan who has a blog named Serendipity and I've never spoken to her before. She was only looking for a piece of information but we ended up having a good old natter and I have no doubt that we shall natter again very soon. It's nice to put a voice to a name, don't you think? Even nicer if there's a face to go with it, though I understand people being a bit reticent about showing their faces. Specially if they're ugly ............... JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!
For goodness sake, it's almost 2pm (and not a child in the house washed, as they used to say)! Keith will be leaving work soon so I should do something about lunch.