I have nice eyes. I like my eyes and I'm forever grateful that I can see. My ears don't work very well but my eyes do - and, if I had to choose, I would rather not hear than not see.
They're quite pretty too, my eyes. I remember when I was in my early teens and about to go into the operating theatre, the anaesthetist saying to her colleague "Hasn't she got lovely eyes". I've been dining out on that ever since!

There was something on TV earlier on about counterfeit ".co.uk" companies and online shopping in general. It's frightening! I thought we could trust sites displaying the padlock sign but apparently even that's not foolproof. What's a girl to do?
Just a short entry today - the sun's just come out. According to the weatherman (right) the rest of the day is going to be fine and the rain is going to KENT!!! The trouble is Kent is only a little county. The rain will have popped off the end of there in no time.

How exciting that things are getting straightened up! Is the council tip the same as us saying we're taking something to the dump?
Angie, you have eyes that just twinkle, but you also have a very pretty face!! And that's without even talking about your personality and wit and humor!
blessings and hugs,
Angie just do what you can re the weight thing, don't beat yourself up over it. Someone told me once to think thin and to regularly pull my tummy in, sit up straight and hold it for a minute, does it work, I think it might!!! xxxx
You do have very pretty eyes, on a very pretty face, and more than that, you have a very pretty spirit!
I enjoy reading here a lot, and I love your sense of humor.
You have a wonderful way of writing and I always leave here smiling!
All the best,
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